A Neighbor Told Me This Trick and Now My Clothes Are Whiter Than Ever!

A Neighbor Told Me This Trick and Now My Clothes Are Whiter Than Ever! We are all aware of the fact that white laundry is something that is really difficult to be kept that way. You constantly have stains on every white shirt and you can’t keep it fresh for long. In case you somehow

A Neighbor Told Me This Trick and Now My Clothes Are Whiter Than Ever!

We are all aware of the fact that white laundry is something that is really difficult to be kept that way. You constantly have stains on every white shirt and you can’t keep it fresh for long. In case you somehow manage to eliminate the stains, after a white, your white clothes will have yellow color and can’t become white ever again.

People mostly use commercial bleachers to eliminate that yellowish shade, but even the best can’t do it. Some are really expensive and all of them are full of chemicals that damage the skin after a while. That’s why there are people who try natural alternatives that will be good for their skin and their health in general.

These are some of the best natural methods that will help you have fresher and whiter clothes very fast!

METHOD #1 Crush 6 Aspirin tablets.

This might sound strange, but one of my neighbors suggested that I use aspirin to to wash my white clothes. The reason? Aspirin contains Acetylsalicylic acid, and is said to remove stains in clothing.

Crush six aspirin pills, and put the powder into a tub with water. Soak the clothes in the liquid for 30 minutes. Then wash them in laundry as usual. The stains will be a thing of the past – and your clothes will be whiter than ever!

METHOD #2 Vinegar and lemon

Vinegar works better than most cleaning products you can buy in stores. It competes heroically with the worst stains and also neutralizes unpleasant odors. Vinegar also helps the color in your clothes to hold longer and prevents white from becoming gray.

Here’s how you’ll make your clothes white again: Add some vinegar and a spoonful of lemon juice to the laundry machine. Your clothes will come out very white – and their smell will be wonderful!


Combine 4 liters of water with 1 cup of baking soda. Soak your stained clothes in the mixture for about 60 minutes. You’ll be amazed by your white and fresh clothes!

Clean, fresh and white clothes are something everyone wants. So share these tips with friends and help them make their wardrobe a little brighter. They’ll thank you later!

veer.li, medicaldailypress.blogspot.com

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